Thursday, May 7, 2009

Harder. Better. Faster. Stronger.

Ok. So I'm not ready to run a marathon. Not even close to running a 5k. But I can tell a difference in my walks. Today I walked around our two neighborhoods. That was about 4.5 miles. I walk every cul-de-sac, dead-ends, every turn and curve. The second part of our neighborhood is so much bigger and so much more torturous that I hate it but suck it up. Thank God for my MP3 player. You've gotta have the right music to keep going and keep up a good speed. I'm trying to push myself so I did a bit more running. I ran up a lot of hills today and pressed on after I reached the top. It wasn't easy and I was breathing hard afterwards, but I did a lot more jogging than I've done before.

When I got home, I used a resistance band to do some arm exercises. Man are those things deceiving! I even managed to squeeze in some ab exercises.

I managed to make it to the gym twice this week. Not fun. Well, the first time I made it I was only 2o minutes into my elliptical run before I was called home for an emergency. Everyone is fine. The second time I made it there I set the timer for 35 minutes. I couldn't do it! I was so so so tired. I cut it down to 20 minutes plus the cool down. I think part of it is that walking outside and walking on a machine are completely different. Each is a challenge in it's own right. The hills in my neighborhood would give a season treadmill runner a run for their money. But I really wouldn't want to run a treadmill.

Anyway, I'm trying to work it out, you know? I try to stay positive and focused, but it can be hard. As much as I say that I don't want to weigh myself, I just can't resist. And the stupid thing says that I gained 4 pounds since I've started this thing! What?! I told my hubby that I want him to hide it from me because all I'm doing is setting myself up for disappointment. I know that I'm making a difference. I know I am. A friend of mine said that there could be many reasons for the suspected weigh gain, including retaining water. I like that idea and that's what I'm sticking with!

I've read that getting enough sleep is very important. I have to agree with that. I stay up too late. When I wake up, I don't feel like doing anything for the whole day! Yesterday I managed to get to bed an hour earlier than normal. Today I woke up ready to take on the world. Getting sleep is key.

I think I'll do my walk again tomorrow and work on some leg exercise and glutes. Wish me well and that my legs don't give out.

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