It was ladies night out on Saturday. My friend Brandi, who is in town from D.C., invited me to go out with her so that we could spend time without our kids. I think that most people would jump at the chance to go out, but I was honestly reluctant. As much as I complain about being stuck at home, I really wasn't sure I wanted to go out. One of the reasons was money, or lack of. But the biggest reason that I wasn't sure I wanted to go out is because I'm a terrible homebody; I just like to hangout at home. My idea of a fun night isn't going to a club and dancing (since I can't dance anyway). I like to sit, talk, eat, watch a movie. But with a little encouragement from some other friends, I decided at the last moment to go.
Another reason I wasn't sure about going is that I didn't have anything to wear. It's so frustrating because after having two kids in three years and not exercising like I should, I don't have anything that really fits. All I wear now are jeans and Old Navy t-shirts. I wasn't going to wear that out for a night of fun. Once I decided to go, I really got into the spirit of things and got excited. I searched my sister's closet then my own to find anything that could be turned into something flattering. I wanted to look cute. My husband, Bart, wanted to know why I wanted to be "cute." He never gets why I hate when he doesn't shave or he goes to the store dressed like a bum. When he goes out, he represents me. I want people to say, "Dang! That guy's good looking. Too bad he's married, or I'd go after him," not, "Eww! What a mess. I feel sorry for whoever married that dude." So I want to look cute when I go out because I want guys to look at me and feel sad that I'm off the market. Vain, I know, but why even bother then?
We went to a place called Luna Loca. They have a live band and a DJ. Of course they played salsa type music. I really think that that's the only music I can kinda, sorta dance to. I'm not saying that I am great and can do the Samba and twirls, but I don't mind getting on the dance floor too much to this kind of music. If it were hip-hop, then I would have no idea what to do. I never know what to do with my arms and my body just doesn't seem to move like everyone else's. I need to watch some music videos and practice, practice, practice.

I did the best I could with what I had. I felt all right with what I could come up with until Brandi came looking great, though she admitted that it was her mom's shirt. (You have great taste, Margie!) I felt kind of frumpy in my outfit. But looking at my pictures, I think I looked OK. Brandi add the lipstick and eyeshadow on me. Plus she doctored up my eyebrow. (I had a terrible eyebrow accident where I was trying to shape up my brows while I was dog tired and ended up chopping a quarter off the end of the right brow. That was embarrassing.)
So it was girl's night out on the town. No kids! No hubbies! We headed into Atlanta for a good time and I think that we accomplished it. We got a chance to talk and catch up. It was great talking to her without a baby crying or another trying to get your attention. I almost forgot what it was like to talk to another grownup with cool music playing in the background. I tried not to only talk about the kids. It was hard since they are such a big part of our lives, but we found plenty of other things to discuss and reminisce about.

Brandi's younger sister Bridget and their friend Star (no photo) joined us later. Somehow we all ended up dressing in turquoise. So not planned, but I'm sure other girls were giving us the stank eye for dressing alike.

We danced some more. The three of them dance a lot better than I do. I guess that's why guys were asking them to dance and not me. Oh well. I'm not sad or bitter...well, maybe just a little, but I'll be OK.
As it got later, the crowd grew. I was tired, hot and ready to go home. I'm not used to that kind of atmosphere. I was getting tired of being bumped around like a pinball and having my toes stepped on. It was just too many people. I think that if I hadn't said anything those girls would have danced until the place closed. I just couldn't hang anymore. Plus, we had a really long drive back home.
I got home after 3:30 a.m.! How scandalous! I just want to give Brandi a big "Thank You!" for taking me out, for getting me to do something that I normally wouldn't do, and for helping to have a good time. Now, will I be running out to do it again any time soon....Not likely, but I'm always open to ideas.
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