My dad has been wanting to spend some quality time with Dylan ever since we moved out of my parents basement. Dylan is my dad's little buddy. Just about every other day my dad will call or text to see how the boys are doing. Dylan's Pop Pop is quick to show pictures and videos from his phone to anyone who will stay still long enough to look and listen . Pop Pop loves to have the two of them sit in his Ford F150 and sing Motown oldies and Gospel songs.
This past weekend Pop Pop wanted to take Dylan to the wonderful
Georgia Aquarium. Of course Devin and I

wanted to go since none of us have ever been. I must say it was awesome. When I got home, I felt like a little kid telling Bart (my husband stayed home because he wasn't feeling well) all of the

wonderful things we saw. We saw whale sharks, a beluga whale, a hammerhead shark, sting rays,
jellyfish, and all types of little and big, colorful sea creatures. So awesome!

I feel that Dylan liked this better than the zoo because the animals were so much closer. At the aquarium, there are animals right at the glass. In fact he was so entranced by one yellow fish picking up and spitting out sand that the fish almost got him into trouble for not listening. At the zoo, the animals were separated by a huge moat and so far away that it was hard for a two-year-old to show

an interest. As much as he loved to pet the goats at the zoo, he really loved reaching into the water to touch the starfish, sea anemone, and sting rays. Even Devin my 11-month-old seemed interested. He would point at the glass and get excited. I did have a scary moment though. I wanted to take a picture of the beluga whale so badly and Dylan wanted to sit and climb on the rock benches. After having him sit down, I turned my back to him just for a moment. When I turned around, he wasn't there. It took everything in me not to let panic rise up in me. I called out his name and of course there was no answer. How could he even hear me with all those people being so noisy? I didn't even tell my dad that I couldn't find him. I just started searching around. Thankfully I found him a few seconds later climbing on another bench. But those few seconds of loosing sight of him was enough to make my heart stop. Oy vey!
There was so much to do and see that we weren't able to get to everything. My mother-in-law will be here at the end of the week and wants to go. You know I will be there with bells on!
Here are some pictures of our time there.

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