It's been a week since I published my last post. I can't even say that it's been busy or all that to eventful. So here are my random thoughts of the events of this past week.
I've got to start eating better. In one weeks time, I've eaten three times at Stevi B's Pizza! Plus, we've had fast food galore! Not only is it not healthy, but it isn't helping me lose weight. I used to be a size eight and medium B.K. (Before Kids). Now I'm two sizes above that. UGH! I know that it takes time to lose the weight after having two kids within three years, but I'm not even making much of an effort. I've bought exercise clothes, have tons of videos to workout to, know that the local YMCA has daycare while you workout, yet that still hasn't motivated me. I just look at all the old clothes that I have and can no longer fit, sigh and wish that I could fit them as I'm stuffing a Twinkie or chocolate chip cookie in my mouth. Something has gotta give (other than my waistline). When I buy new clothes, try them on and they don't fit, I wonder if I should keep them so that when I lose weight I can wear them. I'm not buying an extra large! I refuse! Nothing against those who wear that size, but that's not me. That's not I am on the inside. That's not who I want to be on the outside either. Motivate me!
As a mom you develop a sixth sense that takes time to perfect and to learn to listen to. Sometimes that little voice in you head starts talking to you, but you don't give it much thought until it's too late. My little voice was talking to me while we were at a family indoor play area, but I didn't listen and Dylan, the two-year-old, almost got seriously hurt. He's okay, but to see him fall was scary enough, and then to see him just lay there without moving, sends you into a panic. True he was playing in an area that was for kids older than him, but nothing has ever happened to him before so you don't think that anything will ever happen. Dylan kept going up and down his favorite inflatable slide without incident. My sixth sense said to me, "I wonder if any kid has come flying off the end of the slide?" He kept going up and down again and again. When we decided it was time to go, both my husband and I encouraged him to go down one more time. Of course that's the time that something happens. That's the time that he comes sliding off the end and falls on his head and neck. He rolled over and just laid there curled up in a ball. I couldn't jump up because I was nursing Devin, but Bart ran over to him. He cried just a little and then was ready to go eat pizza. Thank God he was okay. I guess it looked worse than it was. I see why they have you sign waiver forms before they let your kids play....Because I'm suing everyone! Just kidding.
When all that happened I could hear these two women sitting at the table next to me. One of them said, "Did you see that little girl, uh boy, fall off the slide?!" She kept interchange girl and
boy. Apparently she couldn't tell that Dylan is a boy because of his curly hair. To me it's obvious that he's a boy. Come on already! He looks like a boy. I'm not mad at that one lady, or at anyone for that matter, but it happens often. Am I blind to something? Little kids do it, which I understand better than adults mistaking him for a girl. The thing that should give it away for sure is that he dresses like a boy. There aren't any ambiguous colors. My boys dress like boys. If I had a girl, she'd be dressed as girly as can be (until she could protest). I'm guessing, and this is probably true, that his curly hair (which turns into a huge fro if it's too hot) makes him look feminine. I don't think so, but a lot of people outside of the family seems to think so.
Enough about his hair. My Dylan isn't even here today. We were at my parents house yesterday. When it was time to leave, he didn't want to go; he wanted to stay and play. So my older sister, who was spending the night there, said he could stay with her. Bart and I didn't know what to do with ourselves. We didn't even do anything exciting. Bart watched the Olympics while I did an arts and crafts project. Exciting, I know! Devin just crawled around talking and being cute. We miss our big guy terribly, but the house is noticeable quieter. Devin, the 11 month old, isn't crying because someone has taken his toy or knocked him over. I can't wait for Dylan to come home today. I'm sure my parents can't wait either!
I think that's enough of my ramblings.
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