What a week for change. First my littlest baby has his first birthday. Then my oldest has his first haircut! All of that is too much for this mama. I hope that this coming week is a lot less eventful because my emotions can't take much more.
I finally decided to bite the bullet and take Dylan to get a haircut. We've

been saying almost every weekend that he needed a hair cut, but we never took him. This weekend we were having Devin's party so I wanted Dylan to look nice. Plus, Bart needed a trim too. I think Dylan was a little prepared for this because when I was helping my mom take out her braids and I was using the scissors to cut them, he sat down and wanted me to cut his hair. I hid the scissors after that because I didn't want him to get any ideas and have a huge chunk of his hair missing.
We went to a chain hair cuttery place that was close to the house. I really was afraid that they wouldn't know how to do his hair. His hair is about three different textures. The ladies in there were very nice and eager to get their hands on Dylan's hair. I was just hoping they wouldn't cut it all off. Bart went first because we hoped that it would give Dylan a chance to see that getting his hair cut wasn't scary. Devin, who had been asleep through most of Bart getting his hair cut, woke up a bit dazed and confused. He kept looking at Bart, smiling shyly, and then turning away. He didn't seem too sure of who this new person was.
Dylan surprised us all. The whole time Bart was getting his hair shaved off (looking like he just enlisted in the military) Dylan kept saying he wasn't getting his hair cut. But when it was his turn, he jumped into the chair and was ready to go. He was such a big boy! We just knew he was going to cry and throw a fit. Turns out I was the one in tears. He just sat there while the lady did his hair. Making little faces like he was bored with the whole thing. He flinched a little when she used the clippers, but it was no big deal for him.

Me on the other hand...Well the lady was cutting off more than I wanted. I was all in the way, telling her what to do, but I didn't care. Probably got on her nerves, but that's my baby's head. I just wanted it shaped up and the top trimmed down some because it was so much longer than the rest. She basically gave him a fade. There's hardly any hair in the back, which I'm actually ok with because that was the hardest part to brush out. It would get so tangled and could stick to Velcro! She then cut the sides down and left him with a little hair on top. The way it is cut the curls on top
really come out. I wasn't too happy at first, but it is growing on me. It's just such a drastic change. I loved his crazy hair. We'd get good (some bad) comments all the time. My dad called him a Christian Rock Star. Now my dad says it's like Sampson getting his hair cut. Dylan still has his coolness and cuteness. One thing is for sure--he looks like a real little boy. No doubt.

After the haircut, I went shopping! Without the boys! Life is so much easier when you don't have to buckle and unbuckle a kid from his car seat. Bart watched them while I ran around town getting last minute things. (Thanks, Honey.) When I got home, there was no stopping. Dylan helped me bake the cupcakes for the party, then I stayed up until 1:30 in

the morning decorating them! They were so cute. I got an idea off the
Family Fun site to make froggy cupcakes. They gave me the idea, but I took the idea to the 10th level. I did the frogs and then made chicks too. I made and colored everything myself. Where they called for gumdrop eyes (who can find gumdrops this time of the year??), I had to melt, color and then mold the eyes. I colored the frosting, getting just the right colors (orange is a hard color to get). And at night while in bed, my mind was racing on how I could make them better. First thing in the morning I was off looking for the few last ingredients to make the cupcakes memorable. I think it worked.
On Saturday we held Devin's 1st birthday party at a Chattahoochee River Park picnic area. I was watching the news for two weeks and praying that it wouldn't rain. With tropical storm Hanna and hurricane Ike lurking out in the Atlantic, I was worried that we'd be rained out. But it was a beautiful day. Not too hot, and not too cool. Plenty of sunshine and clouds to balance it all out.
We were sorry that not a lot of people were able to make it and understand that people live busy lives (they were missed), but those who did come made the day special and a whole lot

of fun. My friend Rachelle came with her husband and three kids. Her husband, Rod, became the grill master. My dad usually does that kind of thing, but with his leg still healing, I'm sure he didn't mind sitting back and letting someone else take over. Rachelle said that they had never been to the Chattahoochee and that they didn't normally do the outdoorsy kind of thing. They loved it. She even got a bit soaked chasing after her flip flop as it floated down the river. Her youngest, who is two, played all in the dirt with Dylan. Those two boys were covered in dirt! Her two older daughters were right in there with them too.

We took the kids to the river to play. The water is really shallow some ways out and was just the right temperature. Those kids were everywhere. Playing, splashing, picking up rocks, and having no inhibitions whatsoever. Oh to be a kid again! The little guys were

everywhere too. Where was the birthday boy you ask? He passed out on Rachelle. One moment he's looking around. The next he's conked out. Rachelle was loving it. Having a little one asleep in your arms can be one of the most precious things...that is until you begin to feel his dead weight and your arm goes numb.

The kids had a good time and that's what I really wanted. I brought out the ball. Bart, Dylan and lil'

Rod ran around chasing it. My cousin brought her mom's dogs and the kids loved petting them. You should have seen them go crazy when I busted out the bubble machine. Then my cousin did a fantastic job painting a few of the kids faces. I was really impressed with her skills. Way to go Michelle! My cupcakes were a huge hit even though
they kind of started melting. Devin burried his face in my shoulder when everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to him. Thankfully he didn't cry. And of course there was more playing in the river.
Man, I didn't want the day to end. But we were all getting tired. As tired as I was when we got

home, I had to give the boys a bath. Dylan had been covered in so much dirt because of his wet clothes and he and lil' Rod were playing with the cars in it. You could feel the gravel and dirt in his hair. Yuck. After his bath and the water had drained out of the tub, there was so much dirt and grim. Ewww! But hey, that's what boys do, right? The kids passed out and I was in bed by 10! What a busy, full weekend, but it was worth it.
I think that this was the one of the best parties we've thrown for the kids. Ok, there haven't been too many since they are so young. But when I have given parties, I'm always worried that

the kids, especially the older ones, are bored. This time around I could see that they were having a good time. I was on such a high when we left the park. I had a great time and was so appreciative of the people who came. I love all of them and I think their kids are awesome. Thanks Rod for manning the grill like a pro. Rachelle's daughters impress me every time I'm with them. Zaria, who I think is 11 , is a great, responsible big sister. Caris, who I believe is 8, is funny and imaginative, not your typical little girl. She found a bottle cap in the water and declared it a ring of power. I loved having little Rod there to play with Dylan. He also loved Devin's toes. Who can blame him? Little baby toes are irresistible! And the little girls that my cousin and aunt brought with them were precious and kind. Bart fell in love with them. Dylan had the two little ones pushing
him in the wagon. Not much of a gentleman, huh?
All in all, I am one happy but drained mama. Now I get to rest until November when I have to figure out what to do for Dylan's 3rd birthday. I better stop thinking about it now before I start hyperventilating!
We had so much fun. That's the best time we've had in a while and the kids loved it. Your boys were great and lil' Devy Dev stole my heart on the river. You have a very unique and loving family and I'm glad you guys came into our lives.
Love Ya, Rachelle
Love the new haircut! Very cute. :) And rock on with the Martha Stewart-like cupcakes. LOL
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