What a busy birthday weekend! My little Devin celebrated his first birthday this past Saturday. My little guy is growing up. I've been running on fumes since last week. I've cleaned the house top to bottom because my mother-in-law wanted to visit this weekend for Dev's birthday. I had to clean all by myself because my husband had an "incident" at work that left his ribs really bruised. He's okay, but in no condition to help clean up. As I was rushing around the house cleaning like Rosie the robot from the
Jetsons, I'd try not to give him the stink eye since he wasn't helping. Oh! I made Dev Dev a birthday shirt. It said, "It's Fun to be 1!" with a little cupcake and one candle on it. I could have bought one but I couldn't find any short-sleeved ones and it's still too hot. So I found a onesie at the Dollar Store, bought some iron on paper, created the design, printed it out and ironed that sucker on. It came out OK. I was satisfied and happy that I made it for him.
We were planning on going to the Georgia Aquarium, but since Bart was in so much pain, we

scaled back our plans. Saturday, Devin's birthday, Dylan, Devin, Nana C, and I went to my favorite place, Stevi B's Pizza. Then we went to Monkey Joe's. My mother-in-law loved it! Loved the price, loved seeing Dylan run around, and loved that it was in a safe, family fun atmosphere.
After pizza and playing, Nana couldn't wait to

get home and give the boys presents. She and Paw Paw (he couldn't make it down) got both of them gifts, but Dylan has been trying to claim everything. Devin doesn't mind now, but Dylan's going to have to watch out once Devin's older. I'm sure little brother won't stand for that much longer. I was so tired that I feel asleep on the living room floor while Bart helped the boys play with the toys. I
t wasn't the most comfortable place to nap, but it was enough to recharge my batteries and keep me going for the rest of the night.
That night Dylan, my little helper, assisted me in making birthday cupcakes. He loves to help me

cook, more like get in the way and slow me down. But this time I wanted his help and he enjoyed pouring everything in the bowl and using the handmixer. Nana helped him spread the frosting on top and pour some sprinkles. By this time, Devin had a full belly from dinner and was rubbing his eyes to say that he was about done for the night. We gave him his own cupcake to tear up, but he just kind of picked at it, and then rubbed frosting all over his face. For a one-year-old, I think it was a good day.

Sunday was the big day. Picture Day! After church, we went shopping for his birthday outfit. We went to the mall and found the cutest outfit for Devin. I decided to use Olan Mills Portrait Studios because a friend recommended their services. Well, this particular studio was located in a Belk's store. As soon as we get in there,

I'm trying to get Dylan to pay attention to me and hold my arm (my hands were full). He had let go at some point and then tripped over a little platform, knocking into a very tall metal display sign. It wouldn't have been so bad if the stupid sign hadn't been on wheels. The thing began to roll off of the platform. All I could do was stand there and watch it tumble over and come crashing to the ground. Oh my goodness! That was the loudest sound ever! I was so embarrassed. A sales associate came running over like an Olympic racer. She asked us over and over again if everyone was OK. I told her yes, but then both of the boys started crying because the loud bang freaked them out. I just wanted to get out of there as fast as possible.
The kind sales lady who had come running to check everything quickly led us to the studio. I bet

she couldn't wait to get rid of us. When we got to the little studio at the back of the store, there were so many people waiting. It was ridiculous! There was one family taking pictures and three families waiting before us. We all began to wonder, "What was the point of making an appointment?" Our appointment was at 3:10. After we finally took Deving's pictures, picked out what we wanted and paid, it was 6:30 by the time we got to the car. What the heck! I'm proud of my boys, though. With all that sitting and waiting, they held up pretty well. I love Devin's pictures but am kind of disappointed. I keep thinking of what the pictures could have been. Devin had taken a nice long nap while we were shopping. He woke up when we were eating lunch. He was in such a good mood the whole time we were waiting our turn. He was laughing, playing, crawling, exploring, and just having a good time. But when it came time to take pictures, he was tired and ready to go. The pictures are sweet and precious because of his little smile, but they could have been a lot different if we had been able to catch his big grin and playfulness. Oh well. I still love the pics we got.
Those photography studios know how to get you. Not just Olan Mills, but Wal-mart, Picture People and so on. You go in there for one thing and with a set price in mind. They take so many pictures with different poses that you want all of them. You can't leave any of those cute pictures of your kids behind. So when you finally do leave, you've paid probably twice as much as you planned, feel guilty for spending so much but are happy that you got all those pictures of your cute kids.
Well, Nana C left this morning. Crying. I'm sure that it didn't help the situation with Dylan saying that he wanted to go with her and see Paw Paw. I had to tell him that he couldn't go this time, but we'd see them soon. I know it tears her up inside that her grandkids are so far away. But hopefully through this blog she can feel like she's able to be more in their lives.
After she left, I took a nap. Then when the boys took their nap, I took another nap. I'm feel a lot more refreshed. Unfortunately, the house is already getting messy again. Oh well...It was nice while it lasted.
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