Here's an introduction of the players:

Bart - devoted husband from North Carolina. He bleeds Duke Blue, so I'm a Duke fan by default. Didn't go to school there, but as a rule of living in NC, you have to choose between Carolina and Duke (maybe NC State or Wake Forest). He's a truck driver. We've been married for 6 years now and been together for almost 9 years total! How time flies.

Dylan - our oldest son at 2 and a half. He's fun, very energetic, learning to explore the world, demanding some times, going through potty training (you'll hear a lot about that), and just a really loving little guy. He says "hi" to everyone he sees. He's a little jealous of his baby brother (steals his pacies and climbs into the crib), but can be very protective also.

Ty - me, the stay-at-home mom. Never thought I'd be one, but here I am! Born and raised in Georgia. I love to travel and go to the beach. I don't mean Myrtle Beach type of water. I love the Gulf Coast, Miami and the Caribbean. Crystal clear and beautiful. (Don't get mad at me Myrtle Beach lovers. I just have my own preferences). I told a younger cousin of mine, who I love, adore and admire, that all I want to do is sit on the beach. She said that I need to get out and explore other parts of the world. I completely disagree. I'd be a beach bum if I could get away with it. Unfortunately, my fair skinned husband hates the beach and the sun and the heat. My dreams of living in Miami or on an island are quickly fading. I'll still hold out hope....
Now I know there is a debate about letting kids watch too much TV. Dylan is only 2 1/2. I do let him watch TV. But I really try to limit his time in front of the tube. He has shows that he likes to watch and I let him, but then I cut it off and we play or I change to something I want to watch and he plays. I am a little disheartened when I see our 9-month-old standing in front of it.
I found that we had been staying inside too much. I think that was why Dylan was waking up in the middle of the night (3-4 am!) and crawling into the bed with us! That was very frustrating. He would toss and turn, keeping us up or waking his little brother up. He'd eventual fall asleep after ruining everyone else's. Then he had a really hard time going to sleep at nap and bed time. I figured that it was because we had been staying inside and not doing too much. It's getting too hot to be outside, but I'm trying to get him out early in the day. It seems to be working. For the past 2 nights he's slept through the night!
Yesterday we took him outside to ride his tricycle for the first time. We've had the bike since January and got stuck putting it together. We said we would finish it the next day. Six months later, I finally finished it yesterday. We had been using the wrong tool. Dylan didn't like putting his feet on the peddles too much and pushed with his feet, which looked really uncomfortable. A funny sight. We tapped it and all you can hear us saying over and over again is "Put your feet on the peddles." He kind of got it. We just had to remember that this was his first time. Then much later that night, we went to the Mountain View Aquatic Center for family swim. Bart held Dylan the whole time, and he cried/whined 90% of the time. Devin just kind of hung out with me and eventually fell asleep on my shoulder. He got to meet a 10-month-old little Asian baby boy. He was too cute! That little guy was happy and splashing. I guess Devin was just tired. Dylan used to be my fearless little guy in the pool. We could throw him up in the air or he would jump off the side into our arms. These last few times he's been kind of scared. But he's supposed to be my little water buddy. Dylan means "son of the sea." As much as I love the pool and the ocean, I hope he gets over this because I love taking him swimming and to the beach.
After all of that we went to Wendy's to get some ice cream. It was a good day.
How's that for my first post?
I think your blog is cool and will be a great outlet for you. As a stay at home mom, I know how it is to want to share every little thing with someone and then wondering if they are even interested and in the end just kind of holding it all in. Well, that's me; not you. :) Your blog lloks great also.
Thanks for visiting and for leaving a comment. I feel exactly how you described. The majority of my day is with these two little people and they don't understand what I'm talking about anyway. Please keep coming back if you like the site enough. I appreciate all the support.
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