I'm so glad that this day is over. I feel so defeated. The potty is getting to me. Right after I said Dylan was doing great on the potty, today happens. Too many accidents to count. After the last one, I just sent him to bed. While I was getting him ready for bed, he said he had to go to the potty. He just peed on the floor less than 10 minutes ago! Do I believe him or take this as one of his stall tactics? I angrily put him on the potty thinking the whole time that he's just trying to get out of going to bed. He surprises me and does his business. I was happy but beat down. He still had me cheer for him by making me lift up my hands, make our funny noises, yell "Yay! Pee pee on the potty!" and give each other high-fives.
I know that he'll have accidents until we really get it down. He probably went more on the potty than he had accidents. We even got to use Kalencom POTETTE - On the Go Potty(I talked about it the other day) while we were outside. I just feel that he knows, knows, knows what to do. Am I expecting too much from a 2 1/2-year-old? Well tomorrow is a new day....
We might walk to the park tomorrow if it's a nice day again. It wasn't too hot today because it rained last night. We didn't go to the park because I was afraid it would be too wet, so we just rode his tricycle up and down the street. When I say "we might walk to the park," I really mean I walk while pushing them in a double stroller about 6 miles round trip up and down hills. Good exercise for me. We have a good time and stop at Wendy's on the way home for lunch. We did it for the first time last week. I didn't think I could do it, and was proud of myself when it was all over. Dylan did not like all the noisy traffic. He kept saying he wanted to go home. I finally told him to cover his ears and that seemed to calm him down. Don't worry, there was a sidewalk the whole way there. Oh, that trip was when I realized that I needed the travel potty. We weren't anywhere near a store when he said he had to go. What was I supposed to do? He had underwear on so I couldn't let him wet himself. My confession is: I let him pee in the bushes while traffic was speeding by us. What a sight the morning traffic received!! I tried to block everyone's view, but I'm sure they saw his lil bum.
What's Dev Dev up to, you ask? Just going about discovering his world. He's up with me right now because he took a late nap when we went for a walk.
Ahh. I'm feeling a little better after getting all this out. The tightness in my chest is relaxing its grip. I know tomorrow will be a better day. How do I know? Because I'm gonna pray really, really hard for it, and I know that God answers my prayers.
Uh-oh. Gotta go. Just found out someone left me a nice surprise in his diaper and he needs to go to bed. Good Night!
P.S. I'm not doing the dishes tonight! They'll be there in the morning and will still get done. I'm gonna sit on the couch with a chocolate pudding cup, turn on the TV and decompress.
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