Our goal was to go to church and then later meet up with my mom, dad and two sisters at the Chattahoochee River for a cookout. Unfortunately, there was too much to do to get everyone ready to make it to church on time. I guess I should have prepared the night before, but I didn't. I felt bad because there aren't many opportunities for Bart to go to church because of his job. I've been going by myself to a new church since we moved because it is closer to home, and I hate going by myself. Oh well. I know that there will be other chances. We just had a lazy morning of lying in bed talking while the kids played around us. We talked about everything like family, friends, work, kids, the right and/or wrong way to discipline, etc. That's my internal struggle. I personally think we need to improve on how we handle Dylan. He's very high energy and I just think that there has to be a better way to teach him right and wrong and what is expected of him. I need a book or something to give me a revelation of how to raise him up right without breaking his spirit and how to channel him energy.
Once Devin fell asleep on me later in the day, Dylan and Bart left the room to watch TV. I noticed that it was very quiet in the house. Too quiet. Dylan hadn't come to bother me about getting something to drink or having to go to the potty (he does that even though his dad is right there). I had to find out what those two were doing. I found them both passed out on the couch. Too sweet! What a great way to spend part of your Father's Day cuddled up with your son. There will come a point in time when Dylan will be too old for this, so we need to enjoy it while we can.

We finally made our way to the Chattahoochee River. Last time I was there, in 2007, I was pregnant with Devin and Dylan had a great time playing in the water. This time was no different. He had a great time throwing the football, splashing and falling into the water. Devin...not so much.
The day ended on a great note with me having misplaced the house keys. Yay, Ty! I had taken the keys off the ring so I could run into the house while Bart and the kids were in the van. I know in my knower that I brought them back into the van but after that who knows what happened to them. I could tell Bart wasn't too happy. It was already past his bedtime and he was getting antsy. We got into the house somehow, but still can't find the keys.
I've had had the worse mommy brain after Devin was born. It physically hurts to try to remember why I came into a room and what I was looking for in the first place. I need to do some mental exercises to help me. I forget what I am saying in the middle of a sentence. What is especially frustrating is forgetting where I put things. Actually, it's all extremely frustrating. Have you ever walked into a room for a certain purpose and when you get there, you can't remember why you're there? Every now and then I'm sure, but I do it too frequently. I've got to write a list when I go to the store even if it's for three things!
Gotta go. Not feeling myself today. Hope I'm not sick. No one wants to come and take care of me and the kids. My sisters only live about 40 minutes away. They act like I live two states away.
Next time I'm going to try to talk about getting organized (more like my struggle to get there).
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